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Extrait de Lynds' Catalogue of Bright Nebulae (Lynds 1965)
Organisation du catalogue :
Les nΘbuleuses sont rΘparties dans 50 zones de 30x30 degrΘs selon le mΩme
principe que les grandes rΘgions du Guide Star Catalog .
( Voir Jenkner et al. The Astronomical Journal vol 99, num 6 June 1990 p.2087)
dΘclinaison nombre numΘro de la
du centre de zones premiΦre zone
------------- ------------ --------------
15 12 1
45 9 13
75 4 22
-15 12 26
-45 9 38
-75 4 47
Chaque zone est matΘrialisΘe par un fichier .
Description des enregistrements des fichiers :
LBNrec = record ar,de :longint ;
area : single;
num,d1,d2,id : word;
color,bright : byte;
name : array[1..8] of char;
- ar : ascention droite 2000 en degrΘs * 100'000
- de : declinaison 2000 * 100'000
- area : surface de la nΘbuleuse en degrΘs carrΘ
- num : numΘro de sequence
- d1 : plus grande dimension en minutes
- d2 : plus petite dimension en minutes
- id : identification de la rΘgion
- color : indice de couleur
- bright: indice de luminositΘ
- name : nom
Type Intervalle Format
------------ -------------------------- -------------------
Shortint -128 .. 127 SignΘ, 8 bits
SmallInt -32768 .. 32767 SignΘ, 16 bits
Longint -2147483648 .. 2147483647 SignΘ, 32 bits
Byte 0 .. 255 Non signΘ, 8 bits
Word 0 .. 65535 Non signΘ, 16 bits
Chiffres Taille en
Type PortΘe significatifs octets
-------- ----------------------------- ------------- ------
Real 2.9 * 10-39 .. 1.7 * 1038 11-12 6
Single 1.5 * 10-45 .. 3.4 * 1038 7-8 4
Double 5.0 * 10-324 .. 1.7 * 10308 15-16 8
Extended 3.4 * 10-4932 .. 1.1 * 104932 19-20 10
Description originale du catalogue :
VII/9 Lynds' Catalogue of Bright Nebulae (Lynds 1965)
Catalogue of bright nebulae
Lynds B.T.
<Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 12, 163 (1965)>
ADC_Keywords: Nebulae ; H II regions
The Catalogue of Bright Nebulae lists the galactic and equatorial
coordinates of the center of the cloud, the dimensions of the nebulae
as measured on the photograph on which it appeared at its brightest,
the area of nebulosity in square degrees, color as compared between
the blue and red Palomar plates, a brightness index on a scale of 6,
an identification number that indicates the complexity of the
nebulosity, and a cross reference to NGC (Cat. <VII.1>), Index
Catalogue (IC), Sharpless (1959) Catalogue of HII Regions (Cat.
<VII/20>), Cederblad (1956) Catalogue of Diffuse Galactic Nebulae,
and Dorschner and Gurtler (1963).
File Summary:
FileName Lrecl Records Explanations
ReadMe 80 . This file
catalog.dat 68 1125 The LBN Catalogue
Byte-by-byte Description of file: catalog.dat
Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
2- 5 I4 --- Seq [1/1125]+ Running number (1)
7- 12 F6.2 deg GLON [0/360[+= Galactic longitude of cloud center
14- 19 F6.2 deg GLAT Galactic longitude of the cloud center
21- 22 I2 h RAh Hours RA, 1950.0
24- 25 I2 min RAm Minutes RA, 1950.0
28 A1 --- DE- Sign Dec, 1950.0
29- 30 I2 deg DEd Degrees Dec, 1950.0
32- 33 I2 arcmin DEm Minutes Dec, 1950.0
36- 39 I4 arcmin Diam1 Largest dimension of nebula
41- 43 I3 arcmin Diam2 Smallest dimension of nebula
45- 51 F7.3 deg2 Area Area of nebulosity
53 I1 --- Color [1/4] Color index (2)
55 I1 --- Bright [1/6] Brightness scale (3)
57- 59 I3 --- ID Identification number (4)
61- 68 A8 --- Name Other name of nebulosity (5)
Note (1): This number represents the sequence in the published paper;
see also the History below.
Note (2): The following codes are used for Color:
'1' if brighter on blue Palomar plate;
'2' if equal on red and blue Palomar plates;
'3' if brighter on red Palomar plate;
'4' if visible only on the red Palomar plate.
This parameter is zero only for the two nebulae
#191 (074.53-08.42 = NGC 6960) and #844 (189.13+02.97 = IC 443)
Note (3): the brightness scale varies from '1' (brightest) to
'6' (barely detectable).
This parameter is zero only for the sane two nebulae
#191 (074.53-08.42 = NGC 6960) and #844 (189.13+02.97 = IC 443)
Note (4): ID indicates whether or not the object
is an isolated region (=0)
or a region of different brightness located in a more extensive
complex of nebulosities.
Note (5): Abbreviations are
NGC = New General Catalogue (NGC, cat. <VII/1>)
IC = Index Catalogue
S = Sharpless HII Regions (Sh 2-), 1959, Cat. <VII/20>
C = Catalogue of Diffuse Galactic Nebulae, Cederblad 1959,
Medd. Lund Ser.2, No 119
DG = Dorschner and Gurtler 1963, AN 287, 257
* The catalogue is extracted (in June 1994) from the CD-ROM of NASA/ADC
"Selected Astronomical Catalogs Vol. 1" with the following corrections:
- #582 (118.25+04.84) (shifted column)
- Nebulae with identical central positions where checked against
the publication and reordered according to the published catalogue.
The following galactic central positions refer to 2 or more
007.03-02.26 008.44+36.18 011.54+36.11 014.12+00.06
020.36-01.27 021.10-00.60 078.21+02.48 084.28-01.32
084.81+03.88 085.58+04.24 112.16+00.23 118.25+04.84
123.88-01.93 166.39-23.63 169.24-00.94 184.36-28.85
189.78-13.76 194.69-15.60 204.44-00.56 204.60-13.66
206.39-01.87 206.90-16.56 208.69-02.51 243.16+00.32
* The first "Seq" column, a number which is now found in the
literature, was added at CDS in December 1996.
Cederblad, S. 1956, Medd. Lund, Ser. 2, No. 119
Sharpless, S. 1959, ApJS, 6, 257 (Catalog <VII/20>)
Dorschner, J., and Gurtler, J. 1963, AN, 287, 257
(End) Francois Ochsenbein [CDS] 16-Dec-1996